Wednesday, December 10, 2014


Light is symbol of life and awakened. First source of light is Sun that is said as Amitabha Buddha. Light of Butter lamp or oiled cotton thread lamp is symbol of Dipankara Tathagat Buddha who is the first Buddha to be awakened in this world. Dipankara Tathagat Buddha is just like incarnation or emanation of Amitabha Buddha. Light also represents to the desired god to whom we want to pray. Therefore light is soul of the desired god. Not only that, all the living beings or more precisely all essences or soul represents light. Light and life or awaken ness is same thing to say.
Light is the source of all knowledge that shows us the path in darkness or gives light in dark place. It is used for initiating the ceremony which remarks us about the initiation of all universal activities happens only because of sun light. It is also used for consecrating the place and the ceremony. Offering light commences the journey of learning from darkness to lightness. Light blaze always eliminates its’ dark surrounding or that place. It also provides peace and secured feelings to each one of all (us) since it also eliminates our confusion of potential harm in the darkness. Normally all creatures do mistakes in the name of being bitten by snake they kill the snake and earns enemy in this friendly world. Mistakes mostly happen in darkness because of lack of knowledge.

Used by Bajracharyas:
Dipobyan sarva dichhyantan.
Dipajwala tamo prabha.
Dhausha yami prasama shantan
Sarva gyana prashadhaya.

Light you are the initiator of everything.
Light blaze you eliminate darkness in all individuals.
Light you provide peace and joy in all individuals or consecrate this environment.
And give fulfillment to all types of learning or gaining knowledge. 

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Text on OM


Om is seed mantra for creation. It is said as the first sound of nature which is vibrating in entire universe. When entire universe was created from emptiness or from the supreme spirit, this energy was widely spread and which is continuing till infinity. That spiritual energy is pure sound or the sacred word which is also said as sound of wisdom or light of wisdom. That pure vibrant sound was expressed as "OM".

OM is the sound of supreme spirit. Spirit is our soul and supreme spirit means lord of spirit. We cannot see soul or the supreme soul because it is empty, formless, property less, untainted, faultless and peaceful. We can see physical appearance through our physical sense organ. We are just able to feel our consciousness or soul. The medium to feel our soul is to meditate on "OM" pronouncing "Om". Meditating on OM we can find that there is no starting and no ending of soul because it is the energy which is continuing forever.

"OM" is the medium to experience the formation of soul. And not only that, pronouncing OM sound makes our body fresh and gives us energy. After inhaling long breath pronouncing OM for long time gives energy and life to our all parts of our body.

"OM" is mantra. Mantra has two words man and tara. Man means our mind or heart which makes desires and Tara means delivers and also fulfillment. Mantra fulfills according to our wish.

Some teachers have also described that Om sound is made of three words such as Aa, U & Ma. These words are said as suffering sounds of world. These are universal words which are used. Whenever we are suffered we make sound of Ah or Uh and also we remember our mother and say Ma, mother, mom. Whenever we are suffered we call for help so that we are rescued from trouble. Same way pronouncing OM helps us to get peace and pleasure.

Nature is both father and mother. Seed giver is father and birth giver is mother. Mother keeps her child inside her womb for nine months and gives birth after extreme pain. So, the nature is more described as the mother. Therefore mother is mostly remembered in our sufferings. As a result mother comes first to help her child. Mother is caretaker.   

According to Vajrayana OM is also described as follows. It is conjugated by four syllables such as U ( £ ), A ( E ), half-moon and a dot. ‘U’ sound as of put is supreme wisdom and said as male gender. ‘A’ sound is intelligence for all types of knowledge and also for pleasure and said as female gender. Half-moon is heaven which reflects light of sun and dot means sun which clears darkness and sends beam of wisdom in all directions.

Om is pronounced as Ung by Bajracharyas and also by Tibetans because Ung is the lowest noise of our heart which is produced during pumping blood. That is why it is said that this is sound of life. When we become ill this sound also comes in our mouth because of pain.  

Theory of OM:  Om is supreme truth of the nature and pleasant state of wisdom. It is a spirit or intelligence or consciousness of nature which is experiencing QUALITY OF NATURE (that is self- created physical world) and QUALITY LESS OF NATURE (that is emptiness of the nature).
Quality of nature means physical world which has all good and bad qualities. Quality less of nature is emptiness of nature which is pure and forever free from everything. Both outer physical world and inner spiritual being are experiences of supreme intelligence or soul. It is experiencing four states of wisdom such as:
1.      Awaken state: Experiencing temporary pleasure and sorrow of worldly activities. We never try to know or understand self, just busy in comparing self with others to prove that we are the best among others. This is the state for being in pride, jealousy or envy, anger or hatred, desire for false glory or selfish. This state is full of poisons which keeps us in an illusion. All these poisons come from ignorance and self-desires. As our mind is playful it is always making some desires or wishes. Nature has property to fulfill our wishes. Selfish desires always harms to all whereas generous wishes give pleasure. This state is lost in dream world. But we always have to come back in this world after we wake up.
2.      Dreaming state: Experiencing pleasure and sorrow of unreal world. This state is lost in deep sleep. This state is also false.
3.      Deep sleep state: This state is completely unconscious or ignorant or wisdom less. It is taking rest from all activities. This state of wisdom is also said as wisdom of emptiness. It has no wisdom for knowing self and others too. There is neither form, nor good and bad qualities. There is just quality less, property less, fault less, taint less, form less, emptiness and extreme pleasure or peacefulness. Being unable to do any good works in this stage wise people say that it is useless and compared as ignorance. This state is lost while our sleep is lost. So, this is also untrue.
4.      Enlightened state: After deep sleep we have pleasurable wakeup in the morning. By this time our mind is not playful as other moment it stays quiet. It is in peace and pleasure. Keeping ourselves in extreme peaceful even when we are awakening is the best way. We have memories of past for our future reference which can guide us to choose good one for good result because bad work always troubles us. Being generous, behaving well to all, keeping patience, using our efforts for good, practicing for good and being compassionate to all keeps us always enlightened.

"OM" helps us to move towards truth from the false, to merit from sin, to nectar from poison, to life from death, peace from disturbance and to enlightenment from darkness.

OM sound is also expressed from bell and conch shell too. So, those are sacred and used in religious ceremonies. Bell and conch shell both gives pure vibrant sound which makes positive environment for us.  Om is good medium to bring positive energy in our environment which will give us peace and pleasure.