Wednesday, March 11, 2015


As light is the source and initiator of all knowledge and the element of fire. Letting incense burn into fire means being influenced by source of all knowledge and experiencing it in our life. Being incense in our life is all about experiencing all universal activities by accepting all the conditions and utilizing it positively or properly is being like fragrant incense. Our positive efforts are like essential ingredients of incense to make our surroundings fragrant.

Burning Incense is the source of all knowledge since this quality is all about using and experiencing. It means teacher’s teachings are useless unless a student want to learn and use it. It is used for initiating the ceremony which remarks us about the initiation of all universal activities happens only because of burning incense. It is also used for consecrating the place and the ceremony. Offering incense commences the journey of learning from negative to positive. Incense always purifies negatively charged surrounding or that place. It also provides fragrance in air and comfortable feelings to each one of all (us) since it generates positive energy and eliminates negative energy of obstruction, depression, confusion and etc. Normally all creatures become frustrated, confused by negative surroundings they get while doing their work. Normally circumstances are not favorable even though we are trying very good and hard to do well and be good. In this process many fail and catch wrong path. There is only option to be happy and content in such a situation is by accepting all the happenings as it is happening for you for good reason. There must be some special reason to happen such a problem or there must be some new and good place, where this situation wants to take us.

Listening to victorious stories can give us courage. Listening to failing stories can give awareness. Whatever lessons our life gives us, it can become good knowledge for us and others too.

Used by Bajracharyas:
Dhoopobyan sarva dichhyantan.
Dhoopajvala tamo prabha.
Dhausha ya mi prasama shantan
Sarva gyana prasadaya.

धूपोव्यं सर्व  दिक्षान्त 
धूप ज्वाला तमो प्रभ 
धौशयामी प्रशम शान्त 
सर्व ज्ञान प्रासादय 

Incense you are the initiator of everything.
Incense blaze you eliminate darkness in all individuals.
Incense you provide peace and joy in all individuals or consecrate this environment.
And give fulfillment to all types of learning or gaining knowledge.