Saturday, November 15, 2014

Text on Achhyobhya Buddha

Achhyobhya Buddha:
        Acchyobhya is made from two words such as A and chhyobhya. Chhyobhya means disturb and when we join A, it becomes Achhyobhya. Then it means not disturbed or peaceful. Thought or wisdom of calmness is said as one of the five great state of mind. For that we named it Achhyobhya Buddha. Since we named it as a Buddha, I have addressed as He for this wisdom.  
        He is mirror like wisdom. For making our life easier we have to understand ourselves. First I should know myself. Who am I? What is my morality? How I behave with others? What I have done to others? Then we can understand whatever I have done or behaved to others gave same behavior to me. God is just like a mirror whatever we decide for others god decides for us. All effects are the results of causes. If we clean hatred and anger from our mind we will not be hated by others. If someone still hates, it is not your fault. God Vajrapani is always protecting all innocent people who are in peaceful path. If we do work for peace, for all people we will not need to fear with anyone. We do not destroy others so that we are not destroyed.  Mirror like wisdom explains us to see inside of self before you see of others. Please do not judge in others mistakes if we do that it will make us arrogant. It will make us feel that we are only the best person of this place, all others are useless. It is good to see goodness of all so that it will create good world for living. Anger and hatred with others can harm others and self too. We are in loss anyways. We have to live and let others live.  
        He is also wisdom of emptiness. He is expanded into entire universe as emptiness. He lives in all living beings as their soul. Emptiness is only one purified form of knowledge which is without any sin. Wisdom of emptiness is indestructible and unchangeable truth which can liberate us from all pains and grief; which can remove all sins; which can solve all our problems; sets free from all difficulties; gives us fearlessness and give us great peace. Emptiness generates and re-generates to all types of knowledge automatically. Space is the resource of soul.
        He is the most peaceful and indestructible form of Buddha. Properties of this essence or the soul is empty, it is deep sleeping stage of all creatures. No one can see its' formation even though it is expanded in to entire universe. Soul itself is without any knowledge of sin and merit. It has no good quality and nor bad quality. It is innocent and simple. It has no me, mine, you and yours. It is selfless and unconscious. That is why it is said as emptiness.
        Entire universal activities are changing every moment but the space remains unchangeable. It is in the most peaceful stage. This soul is divided and transferred into varieties and numerous bodies/creatures to experience universal activities to gain wisdom of self being. After the time finishes experiencing it reunites into the family of soul that is space. It can remain on wisdom of emptiness or experience all dimensional knowledge.  
        All creatures like to be in peaceful and pleasant time after being busy for whole day. So people sleep at night, some time we dream which is virtual world to experience. It also gives pleasant and sorrow in our mind even though it is not in reality. State of sleep while dream disappears into emptiness gives us peacefulness. This is deep sleep stage of soul which is the real properties of soul. In this stage we forget all universal activities and its effects. We get relief from pain and grief. It is detached from illusion of universal formation. We even do not know that we are in peaceful and pleasant time because it is without any knowledge and consciousness. We feel it was pleasant time after we wake up from deep sleep. After being awakened this emptiness is also said as wisdom. Everyone needs this deep sleep for being healthy and refreshing our mind. Same way we need wisdom of constancy or steadiness to get undisturbed from universal activities. We have to develop our mind to accept the things as there are in the surroundings. There are many things which are not possible to change. If we are not happy with that we try numerous times but still remain same problem. This situation can trouble both sides, one who is trying to change other and another who is being disturbed. For both this useless effort creates anger and lefts mental dissatisfactions like depression and numb. Getting away from universal activities is also going to Moksha or Nirvana. Moksha means destruction of affection or attachments. Nirvana means without any arrows of desires or attachments.  
        He is space element. Space is dark in color and it is in peaceful state. Space is dark it symbolize ignorance but this Buddha is Dark blue in color which symbolize rising for enlightenment. He has elephant as his vehicle. It is able to stay in peace and no one can disturb him from being peaceful. He is symbolized by Vajra. Vajra symbolize strength. He is placed in the east of stupa. He is facing towards east.  He is represented by an ear as a sensational organ which can hear. His right hand is in Bhumi sparsa mudra. It means Earth touching. He is touching this earth for making earth and its living creatures peaceful. 

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