Saturday, November 15, 2014

Text on Ratna Sambhava Buddha

Ratna Sambhava Buddha: 
Ratna is a precious wish fulfilling jewel. Sambhawa means possibility and fulfillment. If we split Sama + bhaava, then sama means equal and bhaawa means feelings. So, sambhawa also equally love to all. He is born from jewel for the purpose of wish fulfillment of all creatures equally.
He is wisdom of equality (Newari Sanskrit: Samata Gyan). It teaches us that we have to love each other because all of the creatures are children of nature. Our soul comes from same sky/space (father) and we have body from same soil/earth (mother). As we come to this earth we are involved in universal magical drama. While we are living in the material world we have family, relatives, friends and also enemies but after death all souls and body reunites to same nature family. All creatures have only one family so that we have to love each other and do not need to fight or hate anyone. Universal activities make us in illusion of love and hate. All we see and happen in this world makes illusion in our mind.
He is earth element among five elements of nature.  Earth is precious jewel because it has ability to give us whatever we need. First we born from this soil then we have food, shelter and protection in this earth. Earth is versatile and capable to grant us a boon. For example it gives us sugarcane for sweet taste and ginger for spice taste. He gives varieties of whether, seasons and climate. He gives material comforts and also spiritual peacefulness. He is only one favored god who fulfils every ones' any types of desire. He fulfils by all types of means and ways. He is only one device which is used to make any types of devices for making our life comfortable and pleasant. All types of progress people have done are just utilized from this earth. He takes good care of all creatures as a family. He is parent of all. He knows every ones' desire and always trying to fulfill them. He is compassionate to all and behaves equally. Earth is the place where all types of wisdoms are performed and experienced. It is fulfillment of all desires.  
This Buddha gives us knowledge to donate or to help people each others. Giving or doing something good to others give us satisfaction and pleasure. This quality gives us merit to win over the poison like pride or ego. Donation becomes meaningful if we do it in clean mind. We should not expect any returns and results for our good work. We should not donate for our pride and ego. This Buddha is away from pride and ego.
This Buddha is riding on a flying horse. Flying horse is delivering to the destinations of people’s wishes. This horse is flying in the space same as earth is rotating and revolving in the space. All creatures like day after night and then night after day. Day is needed for duties and night for taking rest. Same as weathers and seasons are good when they are changing.  So, this Buddha is trying to make us comfortable.

He is precious for all so he is symbolized by the plant of precious jewel. His body color is yellow as gold. It is said that bright yellow color was transmitted from the jewel to his body. He is placed in the south of stupa. He is facing towards south.  He is represented by Body or skin as a sensational organ which can feel touching. His right hand is in varada mudra. Varada means donating and wish fulfilling. 

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