Sunday, November 30, 2014




Shree-Vatsa (Endless knot):-
Word Shree-Vatsa has two words combined. Word Shree came from word Stri which means female. Shree is also a name of goddess Laxmi. Goddess Shree is goddess of compassion, patience, wealth, prosperity and success. Word Batsa means a beloved person. Shree-Vatsa means beloved of goddess Shree. Shree-Vatsa looks like an endless knot. Endless knot is a symbol of our way of life which is continuously going, some part of life in good time and some in bad time one after another. In any situation of our life we should follow Buddha’s path such as generosity, morality, patience, effort, concentration and wisdom.
It is a kind of loop in which we are bounded. We are bounded in endless terms of rebirth cycle in this suffering world. Because of five poisons like ignorance, desire, jealousy and pride we are bounded in this web of love or wheel of life. Keeping faith in Buddha’s path and self good efforts can give success in this wheel of life. 

Pundarika (Lotus):-
Pundarika means a lotus. It is a symbol of purity, renunciation and divinity. Lotus grows in muddy pond but it is not stained, it stays pure white. Even though there are many bad people who are troubling an innocent person, he should be polite, kind, sympathy for their ignorance and should never go against others. Then there will not create any reason to trouble more. It is hard but the person   should keep patience until those bad people realize their mistakes. After they will begin to love him too same as a lotus makes the pond divine too. We should always put good thoughts in our mind. We have to be as a lotus so that god will sit on our mind which means peaceful mind.

Dhwoja (Flag/Banner):-
Dhwoja means a flag. It is a symbol of victory over all kinds of delusions and also a symbol of identity.
When Buddha was doing meditation, Mara (god of obstacles) came in front of him and said that he was a foul to left his kingdom, family and comfortable life. Mara said he felt pity on Buddha’s suffering condition. After Mara send her beautiful daughters to allure Buddha by passion and seduction. Then Mara sent demons to threaten him. Buddha was not affected by any delusions. Then Mara surrendered to Buddha and said that he was a great person to win Mara. But Buddha was not proud for his job. Buddha’s flag is a symbol of victory over delusions and symbol of peace.

Kalasha (Vase):-                    
Kalasha means a vase which is filled with pure and fresh water. It is a symbol of long life and treasure.
In special ceremonies Kalasha is firstly established to call gods and goddesses. It should be filled with pure and fresh water. Inside it we should put five different metals or jewels. On the top we have to put fragrant flowers. When we do long and special journey we have to put Kalasha in both sides of main door for making good luck. We have to wish for good and successful journey. 
In ancient time in occasion of “Samudra Manthan”(churning ocean) gods and demons invented wish-fulfilling tree and Kalasha from ocean which was filled with nectar of immortality. Roots of the tree are in the nectar. Nectar generates desired things so, Kalasha is also a treasure.

Chamara (Yak tail):-
Chamara means a yak tail. It is a symbol of purifying and healthiness.  Yak and cows are divine because they are very useful. After death of yak, tail is used as a fan or a purifier. Chamara is used as a fan to wave over the gods and kings for purifying air from pollution. Chamaras should be pure white and pure black. Buddha’s teachings are peaceful that it can relieve pains of suffering beings.  It is used for healing sick people by waving on them. It is also a symbol for pleasure.
Matsya yugma (Pair of fish):-
Matsya yugma means a pair of fish. It is a symbol of breeding an Increment in all virtues. It is also a symbol of, unity of wisdom and compassion. Fishes can swim in any disturbance of water without any problems. Wise people can live easily in extremely hard conditions. Fishes can produce their offspring’s rapidly same as Buddha’s teachings have such a power which can spread person’s glory in all direction.   

Chhatra (Umbrella):-
Chhatra means an umbrella. It is a symbol of protection. It protects from heat of the sun and rain. It is used for gods and kings as a ritual object. Person who follows Buddha’s teachings are protected from all kinds of sufferings and gets peace and happy life. As hot sun and cold rain makes us ill, bad thinking and tensions make us suffer. Person who thinks and hopes good in all things are always protected by Buddha.

Shankha (Conch shell):-
Shankha means a conch shell. It is a symbol of a pure sound which awakes ignorant people to enlightenment. Clock wise curled conch shells are special and rare. It has a powerful vibrating sound which gives life to our whole body. Same as dew can fresh our body. Sankha makes sound of “OM”. This is a sound of dharma which generates good feelings. Person who blows it should be good in blowing. It is used in some temples to awake all people from sleeping and to call devotees in god’s refuge. Sound of shankha is also used to scare away evil things.                        

Note: - In Tibetan Buddhism, they use Chakra as a lucky symbol instead of Chamara.

Chakra (Wheel):-            
Chakra means a wheel of law. It is used as a weapon by lord Vishnu. It is a wheel of creation, protection and destruction. Wheel of law always protects innocent people from evils and always el­iminates evil things.

These all lucky symbols are enchanted in ceremonies for making us lucky and for making our place auspicious. We believe that it brings long life, progress in job and fame, increase in wisdom, increment in pleasure; gaining good health, develop in property and wealth, good growth of children and develop in every essential need.  

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